Research on critical discourses on the contemporary performing arts scene in Madrid || by Ana Vujanovic and Marta Popivoda – TkH: Walking Theory, Belgrade || Matadero – El Ranchito, 2011/12
What are the critical concepts and discourses? How are they produced and practiced? Where do they take place? Who are their actors? What are their agencies? What does it mean to be critical at the contemporary performing arts scene in Madrid today? (Critical to what? Critical, for the sake of what?)
critical cultural policies and micro-policies (be they top-down or bottom-up):
During the working session, Victoria was developing a theoretical systematization of the Madrid performing arts scene, directly addressing the issue of critical practices and discourses that appear and operate on it. Her approach was also subjective, but not personal. She comes from Madrid, but is based in Berlin, and is involved in few programs here (Master program and Artea).
Isabel comes from Bilbao, and she is connected to the performing arts scene in Madrid only through a few programs (mostly, In-presentable and Artea). From this working session we have gotten a very partial and yet very detailed overview of the scene, i.e. overview of the part of the scene in which she is involved. On the other hand, this session was also important in order for us to understand how someone who is from Bilbao can and has opportunity to take part in the scene here.
Juan has a long history at the scene as its prominent actor; he worked here already in the 80s, then left Madrid, and then has come back partially in recent years. His approach to the scene and its critical discourses was subjective and personal, and through the (his)tory of himself as performance maker (choreographer, dancer, programmer) he was telling us the (his)story of the scene – as they overlap in many aspects.
As someone who doesn’t come from Madrid, and who moved here only a year and a half ago, Catarina had made her own research based on a lot of interviews, before she had the working session with us. Therefore, what we got from this session is an as-objective-as possible (however, always subjective and interpretative) map of the scene, including an extensive list of ‘interesting’ people, events, and venues, as well as some terms (like two big ‘families’ of artists) that are used in the jargon of the scene.